Covid-19 Precautions
Physical Distancing
Urban STEAM Lab will:
Ensure that their employees maintain a distance of at least six feet from other employees at all times, unless safety or the core activity requires a shorter distance.
Ensure that employee and children/camper groupings are as static as possible by having the same group of children/campers stay with the same staff whenever and wherever possible. Group size must be limited to no more than fifteen (15) children or campers.
Modify the use and/or restrict the number of work areas and seating areas for their employees and children, so that individuals are at least six feet apart in all directions (e.g. side-to-side and when facing one another) and are not sharing work areas without cleaning and disinfection between use.
Ensure signs are posted throughout the site consistent with DOH COVID-19 sinage.
Prioritize activities that maximize social distancing and with little or no physical contact.
Personal Protective Equipment
Urban STEAM Lab will:
Provide face coverings to employees at no cost to the employee. Employees are able to wear their own face covering if preferred.
Put in place measures to limit the sharing of objects.
Ensure employees are trained to properly put on, take off, clean, and discard PPE.
Provide disposable face coverings for children and staff in the event their face covering breaks, becomes dirty, or is unable to be worn correctly for any reason.
Require children to wear a face covering at all times of the day unless they are eating or outside and able to maintain 6 feet of distance between each other.
Ensure that employees wear face coverings at all times when interacting with children or campers, regardless of the distance between the employee and children/campers.
Hygiene, Cleaning, and Disinfection
Urban STEAM Lab will:
Require children and staff to practice hand hygiene upon arrival to the site, between all program activities, after using the restroom, before eating, and before departing the site.
Conduct regular cleaning and disinfectant of the site and more frequent cleaning of high-risk areas.
Disinfect desks and shared supplies/objects during every program activity transition.
Clean and disinfect restroom at least twice daily.
Clean and disinfect equipment and toys at least twice daily.
Screening and Testing
Urban STEAM Lab will:
Instruct staff to stay home if they are sick and remind parents/guardians to keep sick children home.
Implement mandatory daily health screening practices of their employees, visitors, and children attending the program.
Require employees and parents/guardians to immediately disclose if they or their children are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19
Prohibit anyone displaying symptoms of COVID-19 from entering the site.
Ensure that any staff or child that becomes symptomatic for COVID-19 and/or tests positive for COVID-19 will not be allowed back on the site until their quarantine is complete.